The top 10 AI skills your team needs for your cloud to work

"Customers know what they want to do, but don't know how the technology fits together to achieve it"
Stuart Scoot, QA's AWS Content Director
When it comes to the cloud, man’s reach tends to exceed its grasp.
Our brains ask, “What if?” much faster than your development
team’s AI skills can catch up.
While the cloud enables faster release cycles, global business
operations, and lower costs, many cloud projects and migrations
crash and burn (or sit on the shelf waiting for access to the
correct data). An AI project is an expensive endeavor. Broken and
abandoned AI projects can quickly cost an organisation millions—
and that’s just for the projects that don’t work.
With the wealth of data in the cloud, AI is perfectly suited to speed
up everything from development to security. However, anyone who
has spent time in a large organisation knows that the existence
of data and access to data are not the same. The technology,
infrastructure, and team needed to parse and make sense of data is
often inadequate or nonexistent.
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