Reckitt Case Study
The Challenge
In their 2019 annual report, Reckitt identified that “reinvigorating performance is our immediate and top priority. Over the longer term, restoring and maintaining the outperformance and growth for which RB has been known, calls for an evolution in strategy.” The global consumer goods company was facing the COVID-19 pandemic and keen to make changes – effective changes – across the business.
As Sandeep Gill, Global HR Director put it, "We needed a strong digital foundation for us to create a common digital language to operate in this increasingly complex digital world."
The Solution
Reckitt chose to partner with Circus Street (now a part of QA). It gave a great foundation to scale learning content globally that would enhance Reckitt’s digital capabilities. Reckitt began partnering with us in 2019.
The objective of their learning program was to start building digital foundations that would give our people confidence and knowledge. They needed to have conversations internally and externally and really take digital forward in the challenging pandemic and post-pandemic era.
New business, marketing, and sales teams were enrolled on the training program. First, to ensure the program was a success, Sandeep Gill ensured senior stakeholders were bought into the program – and they absolutely were! Through QA (formerly Circus Street), the stakeholder voice trickled down through the organization to underline the importance. The second key to learning success was to create local market champions to drive the effort. They knew exactly what goals needed to be hit locally against their digital capability frameworks.
The Results
Three years after starting their learning partnership with us, CEO Icandro Durante reported that the Rickett “Group is now 28% larger than in 2019 on a like-for-like net revenue basis.” Rickett has continued to grow and flourish by effecting change and enabling their people.

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