How do I talk about my gap year to employers?

Great ideas of how to talk about your gap year when you're on the job hunt.

Gap years can be an incredible opportunity to take some time to reflect and figure out what you really want to do with your life. But when it’s time to enter the job market, how do you explain the gap in your CV to employers?

Here are a few ideas of how to talk about your gap year with potential employers when you’re on the hunt for a job.


Turn experiences into employability

Did you pick up any part-time work, either to take a step back from full-time education, save for your travels, or simply gain some life experience? Maybe you took a gap year to explore your passions, care for family, or even recover from burnout.

No matter what it was, you likely built up some valuable, transferable skills that employers are looking for. Whether you honed your time management abilities, developed customer service experience, or learned to adapt quickly in various environments, be sure to showcase how these skills have prepared you for the professional world.


Travel with a purpose

Traveling isn’t just about snapping selfies at exotic locations – it helps you develop valuable qualities that employers crave. Independence? Check. Sense of responsibility? You got it. Organisational skills? Absolutely!

When you’re asked about your gap year, draw on the rich experiences you’ve had and highlight how they helped you build the skills employers are looking for.



Did you do any voluntary work during your gap year? That’s fantastic! Volunteering experience is brilliantly valuable content for your CV and is likely to impress future employers.

Share the experiences you had and the skills you developed while volunteering. Relate those skills to the job you’re applying for – it shows you have relevant, hands-on experience that’s meaningful.


Research for your future

Gap years are exactly that, a gap. It was a chance for you to pause, reflect, and figure out what you really wanted to do next. Employers appreciate candidates who have taken the time to reflect and can clearly articulate their career goals, so make it clear that your gap year helped you gain clarity and confidence about your future path.


Put in some preparation

When starting your job search, having a killer CV and an impressive LinkedIn profile is crucial. Many employers turn to LinkedIn for their talent searches, so make sure you’re putting your best foot forward online.

Now that you know yourself better, take the time to research job roles that excite you. Read job descriptions thoroughly to find roles that fit your skills and interests.

Bonus Tip: Attend career fairs! These events are a golden opportunity to meet potential employers, learn more about different organisations, and get a feel for what they’re all about.

Ready to start the job hunt? Start searching for an apprenticeship today by checking out our open vacancies below!

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